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Tasmanian Devil 31579

A lifelong love for wildlife

Dr Eric Woehler has been asked a few times where his passion and interest came from. He grew up in Hobart in a caring home, but nature wasn’t something that was a thread in conversations. That inspiration happened at university.

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Subantarctic Skua 08837

Macquarie Island: a true wildlife hotspot

“Every time, it’s like the first time. You’re just like a kid in the candy store when you see that much wildlife,” says veteran bird ecologist Dr Eric Woehler, of his more than 10 trips to Macquarie Island. Read about his journey.

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Red necked Stint 34085

The amazing migration

Dr Eric Woehler says he doesn’t need to exaggerate what these tiny migratory bird species can do - “I can simply tell people the bird that sits in the cup of your hand will fly farther than the distance between the earth and the moon over its lifetime."

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Hooded Plover 07050

The great Tasmanian bird count

Bird ecologist Dr Eric Woehler once thought it would take about five years to travel around most of Tasmania’s beaches and survey their inhabitants. 31 years later, he has walked 450 beaches of Tasmania - and, he's still going.

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Dan Broun Great Basin14

The Oldest Soul

Plant and tree enthusiasts around the globe have long debated which tree is the oldest on Earth. Like anyone with passion they state the case for their favoured botanic beauty. This article contains a few of the oldest souls on our wondrous planet.

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Tumawog Falls Panipiason

Poetry: Wild (Tumawog Falls)

Tumawog falls is one of the hidden gems of Panipiason, a remote town on Panay Island. This beautiful piece of poetry from Iss Bautista explores the call of the wild.

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African Bush Elephants plains Maasai Mara

Kuno. Big idea, starting small.

Kuno is a big idea. Starting small. Connecting people with Nature. Empowering those who protect it. Scaling impact for Earth. Join us.

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Forty Spotted Closeup Kim Murray

Calling all Bruny Island Nature lovers!

Here is how to join an exciting project to ‘crowd-source’ an online field guide to the Natural history, wildlife, stories and challenges facing the Nature of Bruny Island - lunawannah-alonnah

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Swift Parrots on Branch Rob Blakers

Amazing encounter with a flock of Swifties

Lyndel Wilson describes a very special encounter with a flock of critically endangered Swift Parrots

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Hansons to kunanyi Dan Broun

Bruny Island crucial for the Swift Parrot

Bruny Island is one of the most important breeding habitats for the Swift Parrot. It has the habitat that the Swift Parrots need to produce their chicks in tree hollows, and it is also free of the Sugar Glider – a key introduced predator.

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Swift Parrot Bruny Kim Murray

The fastest parrot on the planet

The Swift Parrot is the fastest parrot on the planet. It flies up to 88 kilometres an hour. It is also critically endangered.

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Forty Spotted Profile Kim Murray

Bruny Island: Critical habitat site for birds

Bruny Island is one of the most important habitat sites for a number of threatened species. It is a refuge area, like many islands around Australia and across the world. Bruny Island contains the most important breeding habitat for the Swift Parrot

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