Kuno Beta

Kuno. Big idea, starting small.

Our fragile and beautiful Earth, our glorious home, the only place in the known universe to harbour life, is in a climate and biodiversity crisis.

All over the world, committed people give money, time, effort, expertise, even their lives to saving this wondrous planet. Yet half of all species face extinction by the end of the century. How is this possible? And how can we turn it around?

The problem is that we protect what we love, but modern life is disconnecting us from Nature. The people and groups who act for Nature do so with energy, skills and passion, but often act in isolation and struggle for resources, so are a fraction as impactful as they could be with the right support.

Students for Earth Raz Salvarita
Students in the Philippines taking action for Earth. Photo: Raz S'alvarita
Today, web platforms shape the future, but there is no platform for Earth.

Kuno means 'the best thing that ever happened to the Universe', which we believe, is planet Earth.

Kuno’s vision is to use the power of technology to help reconnect humanity with Nature, to network and empower the people and groups who act for Earth, and to provide them the tools and support needed to help scale their impact.

Kuno is a big idea, starting small. Our first step is partnering with committed Naturalists, environment groups and Nature lovers in defined locations to help them present Nature and Nature's needs beautifully, and to provide them the practical tools and support needed to help empower their work.

Kuno. The Nature platform, for life on Earth. Join us.

Cover Image: Bush elephants, Masai Mara, by Suzette Pullinger

Tonia Cochran interviewed about plants
Kuno photo-journalist Dan Broun interviewing Dr Tonia Cochran on Bruny Island. Image: Phill Pullinger
“We only protect what we love, we only love what we understand, and we only understand what we are taught.” ― Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Connecting you with the best thing that has happened to the Universe - planet Earth


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