In 2021, the Mosman Municipal Council commissioned a survey of the Flora and Fauna of the Mosman peninsula. The survey summary report -
Mosman Flora and Fauna Survey 2021 - found that the Mosman peninsula, a heavily urbanised peninsula - none-the-less provides home to over 400 species of native plants, and over 60 species of native animals.
In 2021, the Mosman Municipal Council commissioned a survey of the Flora and Fauna of the Mosman peninsula. The survey summary report -
Mosman Flora and Fauna Survey 2021 - found that the Mosman peninsula, a heavily urbanised peninsula - none-the-less provides home to over 400 species of native plants, and over 60 species of native animals.
The Powerful Owl is the largest of Australia's owls, frequenting the moist forests of Australia's east. A large owl with a small head, brown and white barred colouring, and distinctive yellow eyes.
Dozens of species of native animals frequent the remnant moist gullies and bushland of the Mosman peninsula, from the Eastern Water Dragon to Peron's Tree Frog and the endangered Powerful Owl
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