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Marcio Conrado

About Marcio

Experienced video producer from Brazil, degree in Communication.


My communication and interpersonal skills were cultivated through various interactions with professionals in my field and also outsiders such as artists, teachers, scientists, tour guides and politics.

Articles by Marcio

Duco guiding - Marcio Conrado

"Duco" - discovering redemption in nature

Carlos Roberto Silva "Duco" - Is a Brazilian environmentalist, and professional nature and bird watching guide. Duco discovered redemption in nature. This is his story.

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Wandering Albatross Marcio Conrado

Pelagic Trip - Eaglehawk Neck

Pelagic birds are birds that live on the open sea. Here wildlife photographer Marcio Conrado explores some of the extraordinary pelagic birds off the coast of the Tasman Peninsula in Tasmania

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One of my favorites shoots

The Magic of the Big Stopper

The magic of painting with light and time - expert advice on nature photography from Brazilian wildlife and landscape photographer Marcio Conrado

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Galleries by Marcio

Duco - redemption in nature

Imagery from the life of Duco, a Brazilian environmentalist, nature and bird-guide who found redemption in nature

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Birds of the Atlantic Forest

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse forests in the world including almost 1000 bird species. Here are a few of these birds from photographer Marcio Conrado.

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Pelagic Birds of Tasmania

Pelagic birds are birds that spend a large part of their life on the open ocean. These include the majestic Albatross, petrels and terns. This gallery of Pelagic birds by Marcio Conrado was taken off the Tasman Peninsula

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Galleries Contributed by Marcio

Pelagic Birds of Tasmania

Pelagic birds are birds that spend a large part of their life on the open ocean. These include the majestic Albatross, petrels and terns. This gallery of Pelagic birds by Marcio Conrado was taken off the Tasman Peninsula

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Duco - redemption in nature

Imagery from the life of Duco, a Brazilian environmentalist, nature and bird-guide who found redemption in nature

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Birds of the Atlantic Forest

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most biodiverse forests in the world including almost 1000 bird species. Here are a few of these birds from photographer Marcio Conrado.

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