In this short film, she explains the interconnected web of life on planet Earth, and the problems it currently faces from human activity. Goodall makes the case that alone we may feel powerless, but collectively we have the ability and responsibility to save Earth's fragile web of life. Image Credit: Jane Goodall Institute.
“One individual cannot possibly make a difference alone. It is individual efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable difference – all the difference in the world.” – Dr Jane Goodall.
In this short film, she explains the interconnected web of life on planet Earth, and the problems it currently faces from human activity. Goodall makes the case that alone we may feel powerless, but collectively we have the ability and responsibility to save Earth's fragile web of life. Image Credit: Jane Goodall Institute.
“One individual cannot possibly make a difference alone. It is individual efforts, collectively, that makes a noticeable difference – all the difference in the world.” – Dr Jane Goodall.
Today the Netherlands has a reputation as a kind of bicycling paradise. This was not inevitable but the result of a long and concerted effort.
There are two incredibly different coastal environments to the west and the east of the neck, as explained here by geographer and naturalist, Bob Graham
The geological event that dominates present day South Bruny was the rising up of huge volumes of magma from the Earth's crust 174 million years ago. When hardened, this formed dolerite which can be seen in South Bruny's stunning sea cliffs.
Biologist and Pulitzer winner E.O. Wilson's proposes a bold plan to preserve the world’s biodiversity: set aside half of the entire planet for natural habitats.
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